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January 25, 2012

Beauty from Within

Beauty is a concept I have always struggled with, meaning I have never truly seen myself as beautiful.  Sure, I've had people tell me I'm beautiful but I've often wondered what they had to gain by saying, such a thing.  I have thought about what it means to be beautiful many times.  Why does it really matter whether you are beautiful or not?  
So let's look at why I might struggle with being beautiful.  I believe many men tell women they are beautiful, just to get what they want from them.  (Notice that I didn't say..ALL)  When I think of beautiful women, I think of the women on the magazine pages, actresses or tiny thin models.

Large parts of my life have been anything but beautiful.  They have been ugly, filled with lies, trauma, pain, and a lot of anger that I didn't know what to do with.  So the question is this, Where is real beauty found?  Can I find it within myself?  I think so.  I think I have found it but it's not really in the mirror that I look in every morning.  I think its found a bit deeper.  I find beauty in my scars, battle scars... and I have many.  I try not to dwell on the past but sometimes we must.  Sometimes we have to look deep within ourselves to see that the real beauty that shines through us is from our accomplishments from overcoming our past, and sometimes that past is a terrible one.  Beauty is the place between what hurts us, what heals, and between the sheer joy that comes from overcoming the darkest parts of our lives.

We all have scars, inside and out. We have freckles from sun exposure, emotional triggers that set us off, broken bones, and broken hearts.  Don't feel ashamed or hurt by what you've gone through.  Instead, feel beautiful because you have lived to face whatever life throws at you, to face another day.  Look at your scars, really look at them and realize that they are a testament of your inner strength as a person.  It takes nothing to wear the most expensive designer outfit well, but what courage does it takes to wear our scars like diamonds? Now that is truly beautiful!
Recently I spent some time with my family.  Every time I spend time with them it reminds me of a past that I've tried very hard to put behind me.  A past that on most days, I don't think about very much anymore.  However, back home it's as if time stands still and very little changes there.  There are constant reminders of what used to be for me.  A life filled with pain and disappointment.  Maybe it's not the people, or roads I used to drive on or places I used to visit with people from my past.  Maybe its the memories of it all that still haunt me.  I see the scars and the stories, the person I used to be, but I also see a person who has depth, who is a survivor.  I know in my heart, that if I had stayed there, I wouldn't be here now.  
Emotional pain is the slowest to heal, and it's taken me a long time to heal.  I had to finally come to grips with the fact, that my life was going to be harder than I had planned.  I've always been a bit stubborn so maybe that was the only way for me to get where I am today. 
As I sat on my parents' couch this weekend, looking at a picture of me as a teen, I said to my 14 year old daughter, "I wish I could go back in time, and have a conversation with "her"." (meaning my teenage self).  My daughter laughed and said, "She probably would have kicked your butt!"
She's probably right, I was so rough around the edges back then, and I wouldn't have listened to anything anyone tried to tell me.  Back then I believed life was going to be easy and that I was ready to jump into it with both feet.  I do wish that life didn't have to be so hard sometimes, but I am thankful that I learned my lessons well.  I'm so very thankful to be the person I am today, scars and all.  
It took one single action, to change my life around.  I needed to have faith that there was a life out there worth living... My Life!  I had to look deep within myself and believe that I could make it without all the negativity.  I had to break away from everything I had known before, and be willing to make big changes.  I also had to stop blaming myself for so many things that were never my fault and start forgiving myself and loving myself again.  
When bad things happen, we don’t feel happy and beautiful, but we don’t need to despair because life gets really ugly sometimes. Joy and beauty are everywhere, in everything, in every one of us no matter how we look, and no matter how we may hurt temporarily.
Grace is beauty in motion and we can create it by choosing to smile, to recognize that we are strong, despite our insecurities.  The world is an amazing place, despite its tragedies.  We may hurt, but we will heal and there will be beauty in our scars.

January 24, 2012

Curves Are Sexy!

I can't even begin to express how sad it makes me to see women and young girls so thin that they are actually unhealthy.  What kind of example are they setting for young girls today?  

I have a 14 year old daughter that is of solid build and healthy as a horse.  I would be very concerned if she stopped eating healthy foods, or began a diet that caused her to look like any of the women in the top row of the picture above just to fit into what society expects of women today.


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January 13, 2012

Have you ever wanted a mason jar travel mug?

At first glance, I thought, 'Really?!  A canning jar travel mug?' but after 
reading the product description, 

I thought "Oh hell yeah I can see myself sporting one of those!"  

Here's why:
We're all trying to cut down on wasteful products like disposable cups and water bottles..  How often do we hear that the materials used to make portable mugs and water bottles are toxic? 
• As noted on the Cuppow website, Ball jars or mason jars make great eco-friendly drinking glasses since they are made of heat resistant glass, easy to clean, and won't leak when properly sealed.
• The Cuppow lid is BPA free and 100% recyclable.
• Both the lid and canning jars are dishwasher safe, so you don't have to worry about what bacteria may lurk in the dark corners of your travel mug.
• Reasonable price of  $7.99.
• How cool, retro and quirky will you be drinking out of a Mason Jar/Sippy cup.  I love the idea!! LOL
• The only real con I can think of has nothing to do with the lid, but with the use of a mason jar and the fact that it's glass. This could limit usability. I think this idea would be great for use at the office or around the house, or in the car, but I wouldn't feel comfortable carrying this in a crowded area. I also wouldn't feel comfortable using this as a sports bottle, but the idea makes me laugh.
• Comfort level holding hot drinks, which I suppose would depend on how hot you like your drinks.  Another solution to this issue could be using a mason jar with a handle, or a koozie, in which you could get creative with styles of koozies.  I'll show some that I like below and how you can personalize one.  

Where to buy:  CUPPOW- How to turn a canning jar into a travel mug!


You buy a koozie to fit your Mason jar from places like 
Amazon, Ebay or Etsy.  

You can make your own personalized koozie.  

Here's how: Just buy some foam from the store in the craft department, cut to desired size, cover it with your favorite fabric (monogram it with name or initials if desired).  Then adhere with spray glue and sew up the sides.  
Be creative!

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January 12, 2012


There are 4,000 to 6,000 animal shelters right now all acrossed this great nation.

Nearly 8 million dogs and cats enter U.S. shelters each year.

Approximately 3 to 4 million dogs and cats are euthanized each year because there are not enough homes.

1 out of 4 dogs in shelters are purebreds. Adoption fees are usually much less than the cost of purchasing a dog from a pet store or breeder.

ONLY 16% of owned dogs and 15% of owned cats were adopted from an animal shelter.

Many shelters vaccinate, de-worm, and spay or neuter for free or at a much lower cost than vets.


Go to a shelter near you to see if there is an animal that speaks to your heart.  If not, search online for a pet available for adoption.  I'm a fan of

Speak with an adoption counselor at the shelter about whether your choice of a particular type or breed will be best for you.

Only select a pet if you have a realistic understanding of the time, effort, and the cost of providing a healthy, loving environment for your pet.

If you decide that adopting a pet isn’t feasible, maybe you could foster and many advertisers give free food and vet care to help cover your expenses.  

Then all you have to do is enjoy your newfound friend.


Animals are unconcerned about age, looks, or your physical ability. They love and accept you just as you are. If you’re thinking about getting a pet, seriously consider adopting. 

Not only will you be saving your new pet’s life, but you’ll also be rewarded with years of companionship, entertainment, and the kind of unconditional love that only comes from truly saving another life.  

I have been truly blessed each and every time I've saved a life from a shelter. I wish everyone could experience that kind of love, at least once in their lives.  

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January 6, 2012

Mom's Tool Belt

There is an old Mexican proverb: “The house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman."

MEANING: A strong woman is the foundation of a solid family; she holds it together and guards it.  A woman leads and protects her children. She serves and tends her husband, and she preserves and respects herself.  If a woman can ensure her own strength, she can secure the solidity of her home and her family.
So, how can a woman ensure her strength and abilities in order to keep her home functioning smoothly? The reality is that there are dozens of tools that can be used to ensure an efficient home and a well managed family.

Smiles and Greetings

We know the significance of a smile, even to a stranger.  It is considered the smallest form of charity, so imagine waking in the morning and giving a loving smile to your husband and children.  A warm smile and a sincere loving greeting can be the foundation of the day. Before the day has even started, you can reward your family, just by smiling.  If this is how you start your day with your family aren't you already headed in the right direction toward a wonderful day?

But how many of us really take the few extra seconds to do this every morning? Or do we grumble as the alarm goes off, scuffle into the bathroom, put our kids in their clothes, feed them breakfast and send them off to school as quickly as possible? How often do you greet your husband in the mornings with a smile? Do we offer them a loving smile and kiss? Or do we just remind them that they need to pick up milk on the way home?

A smile is a simple tool that can fix so many issues. Not only does a smile brighten up someone's day, but it will make you feel better, as well. Try it.  It is really hard to get angry with your kids if you're already smiling.

Serve and Protect
A smile, though, is just the beginning.  It can’t get the kids dressed and off to school.  To serve and protect is not just the motto of the Police Department; every mother agrees to this creed when she marries and starts a family. A woman must serve and protect her family from ills and evils too many to name. How she can protect them, however, is a bit easier to identify.  First, she can serve her family well by respecting them, young and old.  By providing her family with a clean, safe and secure home, she is serving her husband and her children simultaneously.

A woman who serves her children well is one who can bathe and clothe and feed her children without complications.  A woman who serves her husband well is one who can run the house smoothly by being efficient with the budget and effective in her duties.  A strong woman does not spend her time and money thoughtlessly. Rather, she is entrusted by her husband to manage the household affairs fairly and accurately.  She is the head of the household while her husband is at work and so she is responsible for the steady course of the family.  In serving her husband, she cares for what he cares about; she cares for his home, his children, and herself, as his wife.

Prayer & Living By Example
A strong woman alone cannot protect her family completely. Only God can offer complete protection. A strong woman knows this and incorporates God's teachings and prayer into her family. A woman who has built a solid foundation will teach them to ask God for forgiveness and for blessings. A family that prays together stays together. It is the foundation of a solid family and good family management depends on family togetherness.

Our children spend nearly six to eight hours of their day at school, the waking hours that they spend with the family together at home are limited. Therefore, the person that they see the most at home, usually the mother, holds a load of responsibility.  In many cases, the children attend a public school and so the morals and education that children get on a daily basis is from their mother. She is the best example of what to do and not to do. So, mothers must be aware of this responsibility and make sure that they are setting the best possible example to their children.

Whether a mom is cooking a meal, reading, or changing a light bulb, her children are waiting and watching. They are watching even if they are not listening. That is why it is imperative that a mother knows that she is always ‘on’; She is always in her children's spotlight. Think about how you handle certain situations and then decide if it is time to change your actions. How do you handle situations of anger/happiness/despair/fear? What you do and say in such situations is very important.

The list is virtually endless on how we teach our children to be the best we can possibly be. Children watch and listen and then mirror what they see and hear.  It is the mother whom the children will mimic and copy.  Let it be something good that they emulate.

Twenty Questions

And there is one thing that even a mom can learn from her children. Ask lots of questions! A good mom is one who knows how to run her household efficiently. A great mom knows this and what her kids are up to, at the same time. Do you ask enough questions? How well do you know your children? How well do you really know your husband? You probably know what your family likes and dislikes, but do you know your husband’s weaknesses and how to support him? Do you know your children’s fears and do you help them overcome them? Kids always ask questions, especially ‘why’. We should learn to ask who, what, when, and where, as well.

A lesson I did not learn from my mother, is that it is not all about snooping and prying. You must take an interest in what your family is doing also.  Ask your husband about his day at work. Take the time to really listen to how he felt during the day or how he handled certain issues that he faced.  Ask your children about school. Find out what and how they are doing, who their friends are and what they talk about during the day. Ask them how they feel about the situations that happened during the day, and really listen to their answers.  A good mom knows what and how her kids are doing without having to wait for the school Open House. Do your own homework and make sure you keep up with your family. The rewards for doing so are endless.

No one can say that a mother’s job is easy and it seems to get more and more difficult as the days pass. However, if we work hard, be the example and use these tools to manage our families, God willing, our homes will run efficiently and our family will feel loved and secure.

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