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August 8, 2012

Falling Apart From Within

Sometimes actions speak so loudly that you can't hear a word people are saying.

Sometimes I feel just like the woman in this photograph.  It all starts with a comment or look, or a memory that takes me back to another time.  Sometimes it's a family member that's inconsiderate or just out right rude, and without a thought of how those words or actions affect you.  Each blow takes its toll, and before you know it the cracked face is what you see looking back at you in the mirror- not the beautiful smile that you continue to show the world.

How would our lives change, if we allowed the people who hurt us to see the damage they cause?  Would they care?  Would it somehow change their behavior?  Would I even have the courage to show my pain to the world?  I don't know, I doubt it.  So I continue to face each new day.  I try to look beyond the cracks and focus on making the smile I present to the world be the most beautiful smile I can create.

God, please give me the strength to wake each day and face more cracks and please don't let me fall apart.

That is all.

1 comment:

  1. Sad :( I hate that you feel that way. I think you should show the world what you are feeling.
