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March 21, 2012

Pork... Are you outraged?

U.S. factory farms confine millions of breeding sows (female pigs) for nearly their entire lives inside tiny crates so small the animals can't even turn aroundThese intelligent, social animals can't turn around or walk, let alone perform many of their other most important natural behaviors. They’re moved to a different crate to give birth, and then are soon re-impregnated and put back into a gestation crate for the cycle to repeat. This happens several times until the pigs can’t reproduce at a profitable rate any longer, and the pigs are then sent to slaughter. It’s hard to imagine a more miserable life.

 The HSUS has worked to pass laws to ban gestation crates in 8 states: Ohio, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Maine, Michigan, and Oregon. Bills to ban gestation crates are currently pending in Delaware, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Jersey and New York. Many retailers—Harris Teeter, Wolfgang Puck, Burger King, Wendy's, Red Robin, Sonic, Subway, and Safeway among them—have taken steps to move away from pork from producers that use gestation crates. Smithfield, the largest U.S pig producer, has announced a plan to end its use of gestation crates in company-owned breeding facilities by 2017. And Cargill, the nation's eighth-biggest pig producer, has stated that more than half of its sows are no longer confined in gestation crates.

 Personally, I will sponsor these businesses that don't use pork from companies/farmers that use gestation crates. The Humane Society shines a bright spotlight on the abuse of pigs in the pork industry by conducting investigations at factory farms and videotaping what conditions are really like for these animals. For example, in December 2010 we released an investigation into Smithfield, the country’s largest pork producer, showing extreme abuse of animals. Just take a look at these photos and make up your own mind.

Where do you want your next pork chop, ham, bacon, or sausage to come from.... ??

Where did your lunch come from?

March 13, 2012

I know people like this!!

What I'm thinking today...

This is so true right now... I'm working hard toward my goal and I know I see it in my future...

Sometimes I feel just like this little bird, it's a balancing act and I'm trying to stay on top of it all. 
God help me through this!

I've had so many people tell me that I need to reward myself once a week (with food), or let's throw a party when you lose all your weight.  I know they mean well but the last thing I want to do is reward myself by eating, because it's what I've always done and that's partly to blame for the issue I am having today.  I have to change my way of thinking.  I need to learn to reward myself with a pair of earrings, a bracelet or necklace.  Maybe even a nice pair of running shoes.  I can't buy clothes yet, because I'm still losing and in my opinion that's just throwing money away.  One of the things I've been doing lately is trying on jewelry that didn't fit before and it fits now.  I've been getting clothes out of storage that now fit me and that' feels really good!  So yeah, no food as a reward!!

I've always known the world was a better place with me in it.  I don't have doubts about that statement, but sometimes I really do feel very much alone in my weight issues.  

There's a picture going around on Facebook that says "If you can't be skinny, then let your closest friends be FAT.  I would never make a wish like that.  I would never wish this battle on anyone.  Yes, I see this as a battle.  A battle that I'm fighting on my own.  My husband and daughter work out with me, but their battle doesn't feel like it compares to mine.  I have so much more to lose than they do.  Even my doctor suggested that I not do this the hard way.  She said "Let's just make an appointment, you will qualify for gastric bypass surgery... Ummm let me think... No thanks!  I like having a normal stomach.  I  also don't want to lose weight so quickly that I have "elephant skin".  Have you seen what that looks like?  No thanks!  
Thinking postive!

Maybe I'm gaining muscle?  
Maybe I have a little water weight gain?

Trying to see the benefits - so I composed a email with pictures to inspire me and keep me on track.

Those people know who they are...  (smiling inside)

March 8, 2012

Weight Loss Progress!

I know how gross this looks, but I've lost 45 lbs so far as of TODAY!!  That's right 2 of the bottom and 1 from the very top!  I am so proud of myself I can't wait to see what I will look like when I finally reach my goal.  And I "WILL" get there!

I did some weight training tonight...that burn felt so good.  I can't wait to try a new machine tomorrow night.  

Who knew that "I" would enjoy working out??!!  Not me.

I'm now tired and ready for bed.  Tomorrow is a new day, full of new possibilities. 

Bicycle Lawnmower

The ingenious Bicycle-Lawnmower..

What a fun way to cut your lawn!  But as I recall from being a young'in... it was kinda hard to peddle in the grass..right?

I love this scale- All very true.

March 6, 2012

Choice or Murder

30 minutes ...This may change your mind on abortion and what PRO CHOICE really means.

I have always been Pro Life... I know people, and love people who have had abortions.  They made choices in their life that they felt they had to make.  This is my opinion and I believe with every fiber of my being that abortion in all circumstances is wrong.  Abortions happen every single day in our country, what a shame.  Life is precious, and if you don't want it- there are loving people who want to raise your child.  Let your choice be to save a life, not murder one.

Horse Training DVD

Start To Finish DVD Offer
Using Treats as a Training Tool

Please fill out this form to see video.

This could save your pet's life...

I have one on each door, it let's fire and rescue know that you have pets and their lives need to be saved if humanly possible.

Window Clings-

March 1, 2012

Good or Evil?

Oh yea...Now I remember....



Have you ever wished for things that always seemed just beyond your reach?

Have you ever felt as though you couldn't have the things you saw other people enjoying?

What do you daydream about?

What dreams would you want to come true if only you had to dream it...